Are we making the same movie?

Powderhouse Studios' "Specifying the FRY"

Peter Drucker's "How Should Objectives Be Set & By Whom?"

Michael Lopp's "How to Rands"

Jay Desai's "User Guide"

  1. What are we trying to do?
  2. What results are AR & SD accountable for?
  3. What do I need to do my best work?
  4. How can I contribute?
  5. What results am I accountable for?
  6. What might it look like to work toward those results?
  7. How should I be evaluated?
  8. How will I evaluate AR & SD?

For Wednesday

  1. Finish these readings
  2. Contributor's letter
  3. About Powderhouse
  4. Sharing follow-ups

Contributor's letter

Write a 0th draft of a brief (at most three pages) letter to Alec and Shaunalynn answering these questions. You do not need to structure your letter along the lines of these questions (though you may), you just need to make sure you answer all of them clearly.

About Powderhouse

In this Google Doc, share your answers to:

  1. What is Powderhouse Studios?
  2. What do you teach at Powderhouse?
  3. So, if there aren’t classes, what do young people do at Powderhouse?

Sharing follow-ups

Email alec@ and shaunalynn@ with…

  1. "I believe…" notes
  2. "Norms" notes
  3. Gantt chart notes
  4. Inspiring resources — A list of the resources that have inspired and motivated your work, which you’d like to share with all of us. Include a brief explanation of what is important to you about each piece.